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Choosing Dissertation Topics – Psychology, Business, MBA, Education, and Accounting

April 10, 2015 - Posted to Dissertation topics and examples

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Students who are in the second year of their doctoral programs must begin to think about their dissertation topics quite seriously. It is never too early to begin, and having a topic in mind can determine the research work that you may choose to do in your coursework that will dovetail nicely into the future research work you will conduct for that dissertation.

Selecting a dissertation topic is generally done in collaboration with one’s advisor, so if you are considering topics right now, it would be wise to make an appointment with your advisor and begin discussing those areas that are of prime interest to you and that your advisor believes will result in a suitable contribution to your field. Remember, too, that the topic is not your final decision. Within that topic, you must devise a scholarly research question you intend to pursue.

Topic Suggestions

If you are looking for preliminary topics for dissertation consideration in psychology, business, education or accounting, here are a number of timely suggestions.

Dissertation Topics in Education

  • Do Montessori pre-school programs improve reasoning skills of elementary school children?
  • What is the impact of unequal elementary educations on student performance in middle school?
  • Do gender-specific schools have a positive impact on student behavior?
  • Can at-risk students be identified as early as 1t grade?
  • What factors influence teachers to leave the profession?

Psychology Dissertation Topics

  • What is the relationship between faulty social cognition and anxiety?
  • What are the positive outcomes of CBT for adolescents?
  • How does the nature vs. nurture discussion impact treatments for ADD?
  • What is the difference between anxiety and phobias that are learned behaviors?
  • What is the role of impulsivity in personality and decision making
  • What is the impact of social media on happiness?

Business Dissertation Topics

Whether you are planning your dissertation in administration, leaderships, or human resources, there are excellent and current topics that will contribute to you field. Here are just a few:

  • Business-Government relationships in emerging economics
  • Impact of new innovations and strategies in logistics
  • Impact of branding on competitive advantage
  • Impact of continued risky lending and borrowing on the U.S. economy
  • Potential repercussions of the growing student loan debt

MBA Dissertation Topics might include the following:

  • How does corporate social responsibility impact consumer loyalty – a Case Study
  • Change frameworks that result in lower personnel stress
  • Nature and role of leadership in organizational change

Accounting Dissertation Topics

The field of accounting has expanded in the last two decades and now encompasses a number of specialties and issues that are at the forefront of economies and politics. Some exciting topics for accounting dissertations could include the following:

  • Success of government-private partnerships – a case study
  • Studies of bank financial stability in emerging countries
  • Risks associated with index funds
  • Innovations for online banking security
  • Stress tests for financial institutions
  • Standards for sustainability reporting
  • Accounting ethics – new thrusts in accounting education programs

One final note here: As you look at topic possibilities, be certain that you do not simply “bend” to the favorites of your advisor. You are the one who will spend the next 12-18 months on this project, and you need to be excited about what you are researching. If you hare facing challenges in topic selection and refinement for a research question, contact a consultant at TrustedDissertations.com for some help.

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